Denali and I are super random. That's pretty much a given. We totally need to put a voice recorder in the car because that is where we have some of our WEIRDEST conversations! You lucky ducks get to read about one such conversation.
We were driving home from FHE tonight, talking about all of the random stuff that had happened. I commented on how pretty the hills looked as we came off the bridge over the Chena Flood Channel.
Me: "Oh, what a pretty view. The hills, not the truck, I mean." (A truck had just pulled in front of us.)
Denali: (something to the effect of...) "The truck isn't pretty, but the people inside are."
Me: "Yeah, especially if a hot guy is driving the truck!"
Denali: "Don't say hot!"
Me: "Ok. An ATTRACTIVE young man is driving the truck!"
(We both bust out laughing because we remember a conversation we had with our friends Trent and Kendra. Trent was asking Kendra if she thought this one guy was attractive, and the voice and facial expression Trent used was just HILARIOUS. So we thought of Trent and laughed.)
Denali (as a truck passes by with a mattress in the back): (something to the effect of) "Is that mattress attractive?????"
(And we laugh the whole rest of the way home!)
Oh dear! I guess it was one of those conversations where you really had to be there. But we had our laugh of the night. More weirdness to be posted soon.....
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