Children are sweet. Children are spunky. Children are smart. Children are funky.
I love working with children. They make me laugh, they make me cry, they make me think, they make me sigh. Working with children never brings a dull moment. They are always moving, always discovering, always having an enthusiasm for life. Working with children has made me see the good in each child, the person that Heavenly Father sees them. Children are so close to Heaven, so close to Father, so close to Jesus. They can make anyone smile with their crazy antics and when they say the darndest things. Children amaze me. I thank God for the opportunity I have to work with them, the opportunities I have with my younger siblings, and the opportunities I will have in the future as a mother.
Aw! I love little kids! It's like pure love! My cousin's little boy is 3 and he's been talking about how he needs to find his "true love" and he asked if my grandma could be his true love, and when his mom told him no because she's already in our family he was devastated and like "well, I guess I'll have to wait til I'm big to find a 'True Love' Love little kids! :)