Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 19: R-E-G-R-E-T

If anyone really knows me, they know I have a major issue with patience. Whenever they do those exercises in Relief Society/Sunday School/Institute where you choose an aspect of your life that you're going to work on that week, I more often than not choose patience. It's a constant battle for me. I like things done MY way, on MY time. Of course, God always seems to have other ideas. I can cope with delays and long lines a lot better than I used to be able to, but I still struggle with patience and I always think I can be doing so much better. When I'm impatient, I sometimes act like a toddler and whine and go crazy. I don't do this as often, but I always regret acting so stupid when I'm impatient.... Patience.... It's what I'm working on.

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