Monday, February 28, 2011
Day 23: I like : ) (Thursday)
Something that makes me smile is hearing someone laugh. Laughter is just contagious. You laugh, chances are I'll laugh along with you (provided you are not laughing about something mean.) I really love when children laugh. Kids have some of the most ADORABLE laughs. It makes me so happy. When my kiddos laugh, I just get goofier because I want to keep the laughs going. Anyone who has seen me around kids knows that I can get pretty goofy. So, if you want me to do something goofy, let's get to laughing. It's something I love to do.
Day 22 (Wednesday) GRRRRRRRRR
This is a PSA (although I'm sure most of my readers abstain from such dreadful practices):
I do not wish to see anyone's underclothing. It is meant to be worn under the clothes. I don't want to see your whale tail, boxers, granny panties, or bra strap. And please don't wear a bright colored stuff or black stuff under light-colored shirts or pants. Please keep your undies to yourself. If you do that, we'll get along just fine. Thank you for understanding. Love, T
I do not wish to see anyone's underclothing. It is meant to be worn under the clothes. I don't want to see your whale tail, boxers, granny panties, or bra strap. And please don't wear a bright colored stuff or black stuff under light-colored shirts or pants. Please keep your undies to yourself. If you do that, we'll get along just fine. Thank you for understanding. Love, T
Day 21: Un momento (Tuesday)
Some musings about classes I may take after the mission:
I really want to learn more about medicine. I've always enjoyed reading medical books and home remedy books. Maybe when I get back, I'll get some kind of degree or certificate in the medical field. I am also really interested in massage and aromatherapy ( I hope I spelled it right?) My mom loves when I give her massages, so I'd like to perfect my techniques. May come in handy later in life. Another possibility is to take some business/accounting classes. That kind of training is always good to have. Oh well, I still have quite a while to think about such things. My ideas may even change to something completely random and unexpected after the mission....
I really want to learn more about medicine. I've always enjoyed reading medical books and home remedy books. Maybe when I get back, I'll get some kind of degree or certificate in the medical field. I am also really interested in massage and aromatherapy ( I hope I spelled it right?) My mom loves when I give her massages, so I'd like to perfect my techniques. May come in handy later in life. Another possibility is to take some business/accounting classes. That kind of training is always good to have. Oh well, I still have quite a while to think about such things. My ideas may even change to something completely random and unexpected after the mission....
Day 20: This month...
February ends today, so I'll talk about my plans for March....
*It will be my last full month of work. I'll be quitting sometime in April.
*I'll be doing a lot of studying scriptures and Spanish.
*I'll be going through the temple.
*I'll get to go have fun in Anchorage with the family.
*Toward the end of the month, I'll probably be house-sitting.
*My dad's birthday is on the 27th.
*Hopefully it'll get warmer, so I can have some spring before I leave.
*March should be a good month in general :D
*It will be my last full month of work. I'll be quitting sometime in April.
*I'll be doing a lot of studying scriptures and Spanish.
*I'll be going through the temple.
*I'll get to go have fun in Anchorage with the family.
*Toward the end of the month, I'll probably be house-sitting.
*My dad's birthday is on the 27th.
*Hopefully it'll get warmer, so I can have some spring before I leave.
*March should be a good month in general :D
Day 19: R-E-G-R-E-T
If anyone really knows me, they know I have a major issue with patience. Whenever they do those exercises in Relief Society/Sunday School/Institute where you choose an aspect of your life that you're going to work on that week, I more often than not choose patience. It's a constant battle for me. I like things done MY way, on MY time. Of course, God always seems to have other ideas. I can cope with delays and long lines a lot better than I used to be able to, but I still struggle with patience and I always think I can be doing so much better. When I'm impatient, I sometimes act like a toddler and whine and go crazy. I don't do this as often, but I always regret acting so stupid when I'm impatient.... Patience.... It's what I'm working on.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Day 18: a memory...
It's Confession Time!!!: In High School, I was a cheerleader. My Junior and Senior years I attended Hutchison High School and I cheered during basketball season.

This picture was taken at regionals in Cordova... That was a pretty interesting road trip...

Before the state competition in Anchorage... I was sooo nervous!

At a tournament in Valdez... And now I'll finally tell you about a crazy cheerleading/basketball memory....

Our first road trip of the season was to the Nikiski tournament. Our teams stayed at a local church when we were down there for the games. After two days of intense competition, both the boys and girls teams won the tournament. We headed back to the church to celebrate, and to our surprise, the church was locked and we were unable to contact anyone to open it up for some time. One of the coaches climbed up on the roof to try to open a window that was ajar. By that time, a member of the church had arrived with a key. We all remembered that trip as the "time we had to break into a church." I hope we won't get docked for that in Heaven : O

This picture was taken at regionals in Cordova... That was a pretty interesting road trip...

Before the state competition in Anchorage... I was sooo nervous!

At a tournament in Valdez... And now I'll finally tell you about a crazy cheerleading/basketball memory....

Our first road trip of the season was to the Nikiski tournament. Our teams stayed at a local church when we were down there for the games. After two days of intense competition, both the boys and girls teams won the tournament. We headed back to the church to celebrate, and to our surprise, the church was locked and we were unable to contact anyone to open it up for some time. One of the coaches climbed up on the roof to try to open a window that was ajar. By that time, a member of the church had arrived with a key. We all remembered that trip as the "time we had to break into a church." I hope we won't get docked for that in Heaven : O
Day 17: Feliz Cumpleanos
Once upon a time, a lovely lady named Tabitha turned 14. Her birthday was on a Saturday, and a stake dance was also on that day. It wasn't just any old stake dance, though. Before the dance, there was a dinner and talent show. Tabitha played flute during the talent show. Later she got called back on stage and everyone sang Happy Birthday to her. She had fun watching everyone's talents and dancing with handsome lads after the talent show. It was a very fun birthday...
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Day 16 (Thursday): Dreams
Right now I want to have an amazing mission. I want to be the best missionary I can be and do what the Lord wants me to do. I want to meet new people and see the amazing sights of Nevada. I want to learn and to grow.
After the mission, I'll probably go to LDS Business College and study something business-y. I want to have my own home daycare someday. I've already done most of the work for the childcare part of it and I want to learn more about business and accounting for that aspect of having a home care.
I want to travel the world, help people, and learn more about history and geography.
Of course, someday I want to get married and have a family of my own. Working with children makes me want some of my own, but it will be a few years before that happens. I just want to have a good life. It'll be interesting to see where life takes me.
After the mission, I'll probably go to LDS Business College and study something business-y. I want to have my own home daycare someday. I've already done most of the work for the childcare part of it and I want to learn more about business and accounting for that aspect of having a home care.
I want to travel the world, help people, and learn more about history and geography.
Of course, someday I want to get married and have a family of my own. Working with children makes me want some of my own, but it will be a few years before that happens. I just want to have a good life. It'll be interesting to see where life takes me.
Day 15 (Wednesday): Smoochin
I really don't like to kiss and tell. So this will be brief. Once upon a time there was a lovely girl named Tabitha. She was much younger than she is now (I will not disclose how old I was when this happened). There was a boy she talked to a lot. For the sake of the story, I'll call him Jason (this may or may not be his real name. mwahaha). Tabitha and Jason talked alot during school and hung out a bit during the summer. One time they were at the fair and they kissed. That's all I'm telling you about that story.
I've only kissed one other guy besides Jason. I probably won't get kissed for quite some time, seeing as I'm going on a mission. And I'm totally fine with that. I want to get to know the guy first without focusing on the physical part of the relationship. And that's all I'll say about kissing right now.
I've only kissed one other guy besides Jason. I probably won't get kissed for quite some time, seeing as I'm going on a mission. And I'm totally fine with that. I want to get to know the guy first without focusing on the physical part of the relationship. And that's all I'll say about kissing right now.
Day 14: What I Wore
I am not going to post pictures cuz I was sick today... Blech you don't want to see that hotness...
This morning, I rocked my BYUI sweatpants and a blue long-sleeved shirt. At about noon, I felt better and changed into tan jeans, an orange shirt paired over a pink shirt, and my moccasins. Should be just a pretty chill day.
This morning, I rocked my BYUI sweatpants and a blue long-sleeved shirt. At about noon, I felt better and changed into tan jeans, an orange shirt paired over a pink shirt, and my moccasins. Should be just a pretty chill day.
Day 13: Your Week
On Sunday, I went to church and got lots of congratulations about my mission call. Lots of people were telling me fun things about Las Vegas and Nevada. This mission should be pretty interesting. Almost everyone I talked to knew someone down there. Then I just chilled with the family after church.
Yesterday, there was an insane amount of snowfall, almost 20 inches, almost 2 feet! I went to work and lots of people weren't there due to the snow. Went home and chilled.
Today I wasn't feeling well so I stayed home. I typed up some stuff for work, made some labels for things I am going to be storing when I go on my mission, and read from the scriptures and Preach My Gospel. I also reviewed information in my call packet. Should be just an easy-going day.
Tomorrow through Friday is work. Then Institute Thursday night, hang out with the family Friday night, and Melanie's bridal shower on Saturday. My sister Cassidee might drag me to the Justin Bieber movie sometime this weekend. Joy. She's trying to make me a "Belieber." We'll see what happens.
Yesterday, there was an insane amount of snowfall, almost 20 inches, almost 2 feet! I went to work and lots of people weren't there due to the snow. Went home and chilled.
Today I wasn't feeling well so I stayed home. I typed up some stuff for work, made some labels for things I am going to be storing when I go on my mission, and read from the scriptures and Preach My Gospel. I also reviewed information in my call packet. Should be just an easy-going day.
Tomorrow through Friday is work. Then Institute Thursday night, hang out with the family Friday night, and Melanie's bridal shower on Saturday. My sister Cassidee might drag me to the Justin Bieber movie sometime this weekend. Joy. She's trying to make me a "Belieber." We'll see what happens.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Day 12: What's in your bag?
Today's post is brought to you by the Nevada Las Vegas Mission. Yup, that's where I'm going. I report to the MTC on May 4. I'll be speaking Spanish. This is so cool! I'm super excited! I definitely was not expecting Las Vegas, so this shall be fun. Hopefully no one will try to marry me at some chapel with an Elvis impersonator. lol
In my bag is my wallet, ibuprofen, my ipod, my camera, my phone, my planner, my lip gloss bag, pens, my mission call packet, and my scriptures.
In my bag is my wallet, ibuprofen, my ipod, my camera, my phone, my planner, my lip gloss bag, pens, my mission call packet, and my scriptures.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Day 11 (Saturday) post
The topic for Day 11 (Saturday) is Hermanos y Hermanas.
I have very strange siblings. You can read a lot about them in an older post, but I will also tell you a little bit more about them in this post.
Tyrel: is 20 years old. He like outdoorsy things, computers, and figuring out complicated problems. He is very smart and good with money. He will probably go to school out of state when he is done with his mission.
Denali: is 18 years old. She loves working with kids, reading, and doing family history. She is going to be attending LDS Business College in Salt Lake this fall to study administrative procedures (office work).
Cassidee: is 14 years old. She loves music: she plays violin, flute, piano, and is learning drums. She does basketball and volleyball. She starts high school in the fall.
Brigham: is 11 years old. He loves to read, do computer games, and play with my sister. He is in fifth grade. He plays trumpet.
Camilla: is 9 years old. She loves to draw and be creative. She is quite the ham. She is in the third grade.
I have very strange siblings. You can read a lot about them in an older post, but I will also tell you a little bit more about them in this post.
Tyrel: is 20 years old. He like outdoorsy things, computers, and figuring out complicated problems. He is very smart and good with money. He will probably go to school out of state when he is done with his mission.
Denali: is 18 years old. She loves working with kids, reading, and doing family history. She is going to be attending LDS Business College in Salt Lake this fall to study administrative procedures (office work).
Cassidee: is 14 years old. She loves music: she plays violin, flute, piano, and is learning drums. She does basketball and volleyball. She starts high school in the fall.
Brigham: is 11 years old. He loves to read, do computer games, and play with my sister. He is in fifth grade. He plays trumpet.
Camilla: is 9 years old. She loves to draw and be creative. She is quite the ham. She is in the third grade.
Day 10 (Friday) Post
The topic for Friday is What I Wore...
Today's post is brought to you by and (I am a sucker for fashion blogs. It's a guilty pleasure for me.) Okay, now that confession time is over, I shall tell you about my outfit choice for today... I am not on my computer right now, so pictures of this outfit and my scarves will need to wait until I come home tonight and upload my pictures...
Here's a teaser:
I wore black Skechers boots (thrifted), black socks, blue Levis(thrifted) , a pink shirt(walmart) under a red tank (gift) under a black shirt (sears). I also clipped up my hair with brown clips from Claire's (growing out bangs is a pain in the butt but cute clips make the process a little more bearable.) Since it was cold outside, I put on lots of layers. I wore a maroon cropped cardigan (thrifted), pinkish purple zip-up (Columbia), purple jacket (Old Navy), and Black peacoat (Old Navy) with green gloves from Fred Meyer. I didn't wear any jewelry cuz I didn't want it to freeze to my ears or something....
I'll show you a picture tonight.
Today's post is brought to you by and (I am a sucker for fashion blogs. It's a guilty pleasure for me.) Okay, now that confession time is over, I shall tell you about my outfit choice for today... I am not on my computer right now, so pictures of this outfit and my scarves will need to wait until I come home tonight and upload my pictures...
Here's a teaser:
I wore black Skechers boots (thrifted), black socks, blue Levis(thrifted) , a pink shirt(walmart) under a red tank (gift) under a black shirt (sears). I also clipped up my hair with brown clips from Claire's (growing out bangs is a pain in the butt but cute clips make the process a little more bearable.) Since it was cold outside, I put on lots of layers. I wore a maroon cropped cardigan (thrifted), pinkish purple zip-up (Columbia), purple jacket (Old Navy), and Black peacoat (Old Navy) with green gloves from Fred Meyer. I didn't wear any jewelry cuz I didn't want it to freeze to my ears or something....
I'll show you a picture tonight.
Day 9 (Thursday) post
The topic for Day 9 (Thursday) is My Beliefs. This post is brought to you by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I know I have a loving Heavenly Father who knows me perfectly, knows who I can become, and has provided a way for me to do so. I know that His son and my brother, Jesus Christ, also knows and loves me perfectly. He suffered for my sins and died and rose again so that I can have the opportunity to return home. The Atonement is amazing. I've used it many times in my life and I keep using cuz I make plenty of mistakes.
I know the scriptures (Bible, D&C, Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price) are the word of God. I also know that the prophets speak the word of God. I know that our current prophet, Thomas S. Monson, was called of God and speaks His will. I know that all of our prophets have been called of God, as have our church leaders. I know that Joseph Smith was called to restore the gospel.
I know that families can be together forever because of the blessings of the temple. I am looking forward to going to the temple next month. I am also looking forward to serving a mission so I can share my beliefs and teach others about the gospel.
I know I have a loving Heavenly Father who knows me perfectly, knows who I can become, and has provided a way for me to do so. I know that His son and my brother, Jesus Christ, also knows and loves me perfectly. He suffered for my sins and died and rose again so that I can have the opportunity to return home. The Atonement is amazing. I've used it many times in my life and I keep using cuz I make plenty of mistakes.
I know the scriptures (Bible, D&C, Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price) are the word of God. I also know that the prophets speak the word of God. I know that our current prophet, Thomas S. Monson, was called of God and speaks His will. I know that all of our prophets have been called of God, as have our church leaders. I know that Joseph Smith was called to restore the gospel.
I know that families can be together forever because of the blessings of the temple. I am looking forward to going to the temple next month. I am also looking forward to serving a mission so I can share my beliefs and teach others about the gospel.
Day 8 &rapid-fire posts
Sooo, I realized that this week is going to be BUSY with work, meetings, activities, training, and the anticipation of the ceremonial opening of the GREAT WHITE ENVELOPE... I probably won't have a chance to post on here until Saturday. Therefore, today I will posting all of the days through Saturday, just to make sure I get my words in :D
That being said, let us begin with Day 8 (Wednesday): A Moment.
Today's special moment is brought to you by thermometers and scarves. This morning, the trusty little thermometer at my house was boasting a delightful -40 F. Hooray for winter in Alaska right? Hopefully this will be the last cold snap of winter and we'll be heading into wonderful warm weather. Hopefully this will be my last cold winter for awhile, if I get my mission call to a warm sunny locale.
Part two of my special moment is brought to you by scarves. I've been doing a lot of crochet lately because 1) It's fun. 2) Who doesn't love scarves? 3) Scarves are an amazing fashion accessory. 4) It keeps me busy and keeps my mind from wandering the globe. These past three days, I've made 4 scarves. No Joke. I will post a picture when I get home. It's pretty fantastic.
That being said, let us begin with Day 8 (Wednesday): A Moment.
Today's special moment is brought to you by thermometers and scarves. This morning, the trusty little thermometer at my house was boasting a delightful -40 F. Hooray for winter in Alaska right? Hopefully this will be the last cold snap of winter and we'll be heading into wonderful warm weather. Hopefully this will be my last cold winter for awhile, if I get my mission call to a warm sunny locale.
Part two of my special moment is brought to you by scarves. I've been doing a lot of crochet lately because 1) It's fun. 2) Who doesn't love scarves? 3) Scarves are an amazing fashion accessory. 4) It keeps me busy and keeps my mind from wandering the globe. These past three days, I've made 4 scarves. No Joke. I will post a picture when I get home. It's pretty fantastic.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Day 7: Mi Amiga
So, I'm one of those people who LOVES her sister. Denali is amazing. And she's gonna hate me for using that picture hahaha. She knows me scary well. She isn't afraid to tell me an idea I have is stupid. She helps me stay on the right track and not go too loco. She keeps me sane. She also makes me laugh hysterically with some of the random conversations we have. We are definitely related :D
So, I'm one of those people who LOVES her sister. Denali is amazing. And she's gonna hate me for using that picture hahaha. She knows me scary well. She isn't afraid to tell me an idea I have is stupid. She helps me stay on the right track and not go too loco. She keeps me sane. She also makes me laugh hysterically with some of the random conversations we have. We are definitely related :D
Mi Dia
Today was Valentines Day and it was a pretty good one. At work, we had a cupcake and juice party. And I got some chocolate and cards from my kids. I had fun dancing with the kids. One little boy danced with me for like 10 minutes. It was adorable. I love my kiddos. They are adorable.
After work, I went home and had lasagna for dinner. We had Family Home Evening and had a contest to see who could lick a lollipop the fastest. I would've been able to finish mine faster if I had just kept licking lol. Then we're watching Hello Dolly. And then I'll go to bed after that...
After work, I went home and had lasagna for dinner. We had Family Home Evening and had a contest to see who could lick a lollipop the fastest. I would've been able to finish mine faster if I had just kept licking lol. Then we're watching Hello Dolly. And then I'll go to bed after that...
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Day 5: Wuv
So what is love to me?
It's being patient with someone who drives you nuts
It's putting someone else first
It's sacrificing
It's showing support
It's giving hugs and kisses
It's having a shoulder to cry on
It's listening
It's something to brighten someone's day
It's seeing someone as Jesus sees them
Moroni 7:45- 47
45And acharity suffereth long, and is bkind, and cenvieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily dprovoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
It's being patient with someone who drives you nuts
It's putting someone else first
It's sacrificing
It's showing support
It's giving hugs and kisses
It's having a shoulder to cry on
It's listening
It's something to brighten someone's day
It's seeing someone as Jesus sees them
Moroni 7:45- 47
45And acharity suffereth long, and is bkind, and cenvieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily dprovoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
46Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail—
47But acharity is the pure blove of Christ, and it endureth cforever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Day 4: Nom Nom NOM
What I ate today:
For breakfast, I ate some delicious chocolate chip pancakes. I drank some water and herbal tea. I took a vitamin and some Sudafed cuz my nose was kinda stuffed up. Eww Sudafed tastes nasty.
I went to a Relief Society activity where we made scarves and had some yummy chocolate chip cookies.
For lunch we got out the pie. MMMM Caramel Apple Pie. I also ingested some salmon and rice so my diet wasn't totally sugary today.
For dinner mum went with breakfast foods again. I scarfed down some eggs, sausage, english muffins, and a banana.
We watched movies later and I helped myself to some popcorn. Nom Nom Nom. That's what I ate....
For breakfast, I ate some delicious chocolate chip pancakes. I drank some water and herbal tea. I took a vitamin and some Sudafed cuz my nose was kinda stuffed up. Eww Sudafed tastes nasty.
I went to a Relief Society activity where we made scarves and had some yummy chocolate chip cookies.
For lunch we got out the pie. MMMM Caramel Apple Pie. I also ingested some salmon and rice so my diet wasn't totally sugary today.
For dinner mum went with breakfast foods again. I scarfed down some eggs, sausage, english muffins, and a banana.
We watched movies later and I helped myself to some popcorn. Nom Nom Nom. That's what I ate....
Day 3: Mum and Dad
World, Meet My Mummy and Daddy...

This picture of them was from the mid-1980's. Aren't they adorable??? They were married on November 22, 1985 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple.

Mum and Dad are the parents of six crazy children. They sure are brave...
They like to take to the Anchorage Temple. And go on road trips.

They also like to do outdoorsy things with the family such as hunting, fishing, camping, chopping wood, picking berries, gardening, and riding fourwheelers and snow machines.

They like to take us kids on fun outings to tourists attractions, Alaskaland/Pioneer Park, museums, etc. They encourage us to learn many things.

My mum's name is Kellie Anne (Price) Lathrop. Her birthday is July 15 but I won't disclose her age. She comes from a family of 13 kids. She is a stay-at home mom, which keeps her pretty busy. She loves children, animals (especially dogs and bears), reading, being outdoors, music, and spending time with her family. She is an awesome cook, teacher, counselor, housekeeper, entertainer, chauffeur, among many other jobs that come with being a mom. She is amazing. She's taught me so much.

My dad's name is William Richard Lathrop III. His birthday is March 27, and he is "over the hill." He works at a power plant. He enjoys outdoorsy "guy stuff," such as hunting and fishing. He is good with technology and figuring stuff out. He has a goofy sense of humor and loves torturing our dog. My dad is rad. He's also taught me so much.
My parents are amazing people. They helped me become who I am today.

This picture of them was from the mid-1980's. Aren't they adorable??? They were married on November 22, 1985 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple.

Mum and Dad are the parents of six crazy children. They sure are brave...
They like to take to the Anchorage Temple. And go on road trips.

They also like to do outdoorsy things with the family such as hunting, fishing, camping, chopping wood, picking berries, gardening, and riding fourwheelers and snow machines.

They like to take us kids on fun outings to tourists attractions, Alaskaland/Pioneer Park, museums, etc. They encourage us to learn many things.

My mum's name is Kellie Anne (Price) Lathrop. Her birthday is July 15 but I won't disclose her age. She comes from a family of 13 kids. She is a stay-at home mom, which keeps her pretty busy. She loves children, animals (especially dogs and bears), reading, being outdoors, music, and spending time with her family. She is an awesome cook, teacher, counselor, housekeeper, entertainer, chauffeur, among many other jobs that come with being a mom. She is amazing. She's taught me so much.
My dad's name is William Richard Lathrop III. His birthday is March 27, and he is "over the hill." He works at a power plant. He enjoys outdoorsy "guy stuff," such as hunting and fishing. He is good with technology and figuring stuff out. He has a goofy sense of humor and loves torturing our dog. My dad is rad. He's also taught me so much.
My parents are amazing people. They helped me become who I am today.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Days 1 & 2
I'm not sure if I'll have time to get on tomorrow, so I'll do days 1 & 2 right now. Bwahaha I'll be weird and start with Day 2: Your first love.
I'd have to say mi familia is my first love, but I'll be talking about them in another post. So I'll talk about another great love of mine: I love books. Church books, children's books, biographies, and of course the classics. I love to read historical fiction, especially about World War Two. I even like to be a nerd and re-read TEXTBOOKS!!! Please don't judge.
I'm the kind of girl that used to keep a book and a flashlight under my pillow so that I could read late into the night without my parents finding out or keeping my siblings up. Now I have my own room so I don't have to worry about that. I can read to my heart's content. Yep, that's me: the bookworm.
And now Day numero Uno: Introductions!
Hi! I'm Tabitha Kay Lathrop, but my friends and family call me a variety of nicknames, including but not limited to: Tabby, Tabby Cat, Kitty, Tibbers (short for Tibber Tabbers Jibber Jabbers), Strawberry Muffin, and Twin. My birthday is October 18, but I'll let you guess my age. It may even be higher than you're thinking.
I grew up in Fairbanks and North Pole, Alaska. I have 2 brothers, 3 sisters, a dog, a cat, and mom and dad, but you'll get to hear all about them later. I'm Alaskan-grown and love it! I love to fish and go moose hunting. I love camping, hiking, being outdoors, as well as riding four-wheelers and snow machines (some people refer to these magnificent pieces of machinery as snowmobiles.
I love children. I have about a semester left of my Early childhood education Associates when I get back from my mission. I work at a daycare with young toddlers. They are funny. They crack me up and teach me so much.
I love photography. I fail miserably at drawing, so photography gives me a chance to express myself. I love nature photos. I also love to do photoshoots with the sibs. Maybe someday I'll have a little business I do on the side.
I love reading, but I already talked about that. I love to write poetry, though I haven't written much in awhile. I play flute and violin. I dabble in piano and lap harp. I hope to be able to learn guitar someday. I love to sing and dance (although I usually prefer to dance in the safety of my home, mainly for the sake of those who would otherwise be forced to witness my pathetic display).
And that's basically me in a nutshell.... You'll have to read my other posts to find out more......
I'd have to say mi familia is my first love, but I'll be talking about them in another post. So I'll talk about another great love of mine: I love books. Church books, children's books, biographies, and of course the classics. I love to read historical fiction, especially about World War Two. I even like to be a nerd and re-read TEXTBOOKS!!! Please don't judge.
I'm the kind of girl that used to keep a book and a flashlight under my pillow so that I could read late into the night without my parents finding out or keeping my siblings up. Now I have my own room so I don't have to worry about that. I can read to my heart's content. Yep, that's me: the bookworm.
And now Day numero Uno: Introductions!
Hi! I'm Tabitha Kay Lathrop, but my friends and family call me a variety of nicknames, including but not limited to: Tabby, Tabby Cat, Kitty, Tibbers (short for Tibber Tabbers Jibber Jabbers), Strawberry Muffin, and Twin. My birthday is October 18, but I'll let you guess my age. It may even be higher than you're thinking.
I grew up in Fairbanks and North Pole, Alaska. I have 2 brothers, 3 sisters, a dog, a cat, and mom and dad, but you'll get to hear all about them later. I'm Alaskan-grown and love it! I love to fish and go moose hunting. I love camping, hiking, being outdoors, as well as riding four-wheelers and snow machines (some people refer to these magnificent pieces of machinery as snowmobiles.
I love children. I have about a semester left of my Early childhood education Associates when I get back from my mission. I work at a daycare with young toddlers. They are funny. They crack me up and teach me so much.
I love photography. I fail miserably at drawing, so photography gives me a chance to express myself. I love nature photos. I also love to do photoshoots with the sibs. Maybe someday I'll have a little business I do on the side.
I love reading, but I already talked about that. I love to write poetry, though I haven't written much in awhile. I play flute and violin. I dabble in piano and lap harp. I hope to be able to learn guitar someday. I love to sing and dance (although I usually prefer to dance in the safety of my home, mainly for the sake of those who would otherwise be forced to witness my pathetic display).
And that's basically me in a nutshell.... You'll have to read my other posts to find out more......
Zee Blog Challenge...
I think I'll try it... I won't be able to get on every day, so there are some days that I'll have to combine. You should try it too!
Day 01 - Introduce Yourself
Day 02 - Your First Love
Day 03 - Your Parents
Day 04 - What You Ate Today
Day 05 - Your Definition Of Love
Day 06 - Your Day
Day 07 - Your Best Friend
Day 08 - A Moment
Day 09 - Your Beliefs
Day 10 - What You Wore Today
Day 11 - Your Siblings
Day 12 - What's In Your Bag
Day 13 - This Week
Day 14 - What You Wore Today
Day 15 - Your First Kiss
Day 16 - Your Dreams
Day 17 - Your Favorite Birthday
Day 18 - Your Favorite Memory
Day 19 - Something You Regret
Day 20 - This Month
Day 21 - Another Moment
Day 22 - Something That Upsets You
Day 23 - Something That Makes You Feel Better
Day 24 - Something That Makes You Cry
Day 25 - A First
Day 26 - Your Fears
Day 27 - Your Favorite Place
Day 28 - Something That You Miss
Day 29 - Your Aspirations
Day 30 - One Last Moment
Day 01 - Introduce Yourself
Day 02 - Your First Love
Day 03 - Your Parents
Day 04 - What You Ate Today
Day 05 - Your Definition Of Love
Day 06 - Your Day
Day 07 - Your Best Friend
Day 08 - A Moment
Day 09 - Your Beliefs
Day 10 - What You Wore Today
Day 11 - Your Siblings
Day 12 - What's In Your Bag
Day 13 - This Week
Day 14 - What You Wore Today
Day 15 - Your First Kiss
Day 16 - Your Dreams
Day 17 - Your Favorite Birthday
Day 18 - Your Favorite Memory
Day 19 - Something You Regret
Day 20 - This Month
Day 21 - Another Moment
Day 22 - Something That Upsets You
Day 23 - Something That Makes You Feel Better
Day 24 - Something That Makes You Cry
Day 25 - A First
Day 26 - Your Fears
Day 27 - Your Favorite Place
Day 28 - Something That You Miss
Day 29 - Your Aspirations
Day 30 - One Last Moment
Saturday, February 5, 2011
I hope they call me on a mission...
My papers are in. The wait begins! Holy Cow I'm super excited! In a few weeks I'll find out where I'm going. Today two guys that I've known for a long time got their mission calls: Elder John Altig to the Phillipines and Elder Mitchell Price to Montana. It seems like a lot of people from my stake have been called stateside or to Brazil lately. It'll be fun to see if I'll be going where everyone else is going or somewhere completely random, like Australia (my number-one vote!!!) or somewhere in Europe.
My guesses are as follows, listed by continent/area lol:
North America- NYC, Boston, Washington DC, Halifax Canada
South America: Rio De Janeiro Brazil, Argentina, Peru
Europe: Berlin Germany, Kiev Ukraine, Switzerland
Asia: Russia, Thailand, Japan
Pacific Islands/Australia: Adelaide or Brisbane Australia, Phillipines, Samoa
Feel free to submit any of your guesses. I guess we'll know in a couple weeks :D
My guesses are as follows, listed by continent/area lol:
North America- NYC, Boston, Washington DC, Halifax Canada
South America: Rio De Janeiro Brazil, Argentina, Peru
Europe: Berlin Germany, Kiev Ukraine, Switzerland
Asia: Russia, Thailand, Japan
Pacific Islands/Australia: Adelaide or Brisbane Australia, Phillipines, Samoa
Feel free to submit any of your guesses. I guess we'll know in a couple weeks :D
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