Saturday, April 24, 2010

Me gusta... Children

Children are sweet. Children are spunky. Children are smart. Children are funky.
I love working with children. They make me laugh, they make me cry, they make me think, they make me sigh. Working with children never brings a dull moment. They are always moving, always discovering, always having an enthusiasm for life. Working with children has made me see the good in each child, the person that Heavenly Father sees them. Children are so close to Heaven, so close to Father, so close to Jesus. They can make anyone smile with their crazy antics and when they say the darndest things. Children amaze me. I thank God for the opportunity I have to work with them, the opportunities I have with my younger siblings, and the opportunities I will have in the future as a mother.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Me gusta... Apostles

Elder D. Todd Christofferson visited for Stake Conference, and it was amazing! I felt the love of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ so much as he spoke! I felt the love of the First Presidency, and I felt his own love for us! Lots of love! His talks made me appreciate the Atonement so much more; lately I feel like I'm grasping the importance of it more and more. I am coming closer to Christ as I forsake my sins and worries and trust in Him. Elder Christofferson's talks also made me appreciate the sacrament more, and I want to really think about its significance every Sunday. I really want to make the sacrament more meaningful for me. I also want to improve my relationship with the Holy Ghost, so that I can be more in tune with its promptings and be able to always have this gift with me. Wow. My heart is full. Heavenly Father loves His children in Fairbanks enough to send one of His servants, a special witness of Christ, up to speak to us, to bless us, to share His love with us. I was in the presence of an Apostle of the Lord! A prophet, seer, and revelator. One of the Twelve Apostles. A witness and disciple of Christ. How amazing this weekend has been! Words cannot adequately describe how I feel right now. Words cannot adequately express the spirit that has been felt, the messages which have been shared. My heart is full, I am so blessed.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Oh be wise....

So, my first wisdom tooth just popped through, or "erupted," in dental terms. Its the one in the top left corner. I had been feeling tooth and gum pain, and I thought maybe I had a cavity, but this extra tooth randomly appeared!My mouth feels really weird right now because none of my other wisdom teeth have not erupted yet, so my mouth feels unbalanced and sore. I feel part of my top right tooth, so I think it'll break through soon, and my mouth won't feel totally weird. I just hope they grow in right, so I won't need to have them taken out. Yep, the wisdom teeth are finally coming in.... Any advice from you wise people who already have their wisdom teeth?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Me gusta...Conference even more!!!!

I loved conference. It was amazing. I learned soooo much, and I am excited that the texts of the talks are online now. I am excited for the conference issue of the Ensign to come out next month, so I can review the words and insights learned, as well as receive new insights.
I can testify that the prayers of the saints are truly answered during conference. Before conference, I had prayed to know more concerning what I can be doing to prepare for my future role as wife and mother, also what these responsibilities entail. I expected to hear something in maybe one or two talks, but I was definitely not expecting what would happen that weekend. The theme of the whole conference was about families, their importance, ways to help the rising generation, ways to pull through trials as a family. WOW!!!! I was extremely surprised that the whole conference was focused upon the things that I had prayed for. I learned that Heavenly Father loves me enough to tell me the things I desire, and He does it in the way He feels best. He knew that I needed the truths shared in conference as I look toward the future responsibilities I will share with my husband when I marry. My testimony of the sacredness of motherhood was strengthened. It is truly a noble calling, and I can only hope to measure up when the time is come for me to be a wife and mother. It made me realize how important the family is, and how I can be preparing now: by being a good example to my younger siblings, to share my testimony with them, to discuss gospel truths with them. Families are important. They teach us to love others, to be unselfish, to put God's will first, to be more Christlike. The home is the most important school, for both temporal and spiritual things.
I know that Heavenly Father answers the prayers of everyone, and provides comfort to those who seek it, through the conference addresses. Last night at Institute, one of the young men shared an experience: on Saturday, he felt impressed to visit an inactive friend and talk to them about conference. The friend did not answer the door, but the young man was able to reach him by phone and have a conversation. He felt inspired to say that the church leaders would have a message for the inactive friend. One of the talks at conference was about death and trials, and how Christ gives us hope through our trials. The inactive friend had just lost a very good friend, and the young man who shared this testified that the conference talks really are for those who need them, that Heavenly Father is mindful of His children's needs.
Another experience that I had: This morning, my mom was taking Denali and I to the bus so we could go into town. She got a newspaper, and she read in the obituary section about a woman who used to be in their family ward a few years before. Their family had moved with the Air Force, and had ended up in Singapore. The family is active members of the church. The woman died suddenly on Saturday; the article did not specify what time she died, but it was the Saturday of conference weekend. I remembered the talks about death and trials, and I thought about how Heavenly Father knew of their needs, and how Jesus Christ had suffered all manner of affliction. It made realize that the talks were for that family in the time of great tragedy. It confirmed again that Heavenly Father loves all of His children and knows our needs. His son, Jesus Christ suffered that He may know how we feel, and died that we might live again.
I know these things are true. I know that Heavenly Father loves us, and He has a plan for each of us. I know that Christ knows what we are going through, He is our rock, He is the greatest source of strength. I am truly grateful for this knowledge.

I love mi familia

Oh, the interesting things that go on in our home : )

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Me gusta... Easter & General Conference!!!

How awesome is it that General Conference lies on Easter Sunday? I've felt the love of the Savior so much this weekend! This whole weekend has been major spiritual high, and it's only Saturday :D I cannot wait to hear what the church leaders have to say tomorrow. It will surely be powerful and exactly what I need to hear. Today I was only able to go to the afternoon session, but it was amazing! All of the talks, songs, even the prayers, related to me, and something that I had prayed about was answered! I loved all of the talks, but I especially learned so much from Elder Bednar's talk about the 3 safety signs in the home. I can practice those now with my younger siblings, but I am definitely going to implement them in my future family when I marry. I was also super-impressed with Elder Holland's talk. I love how he is so straightforward and tells it exactly how it is. I can also tell that he speaks the way he does because he loves all of the saints; he reflects the love of God. Listening his talk was like listening to a Book of Mormon prophet calling his fellowmen to repentance. I also loved how he stressed the importance of TRUE love... That's something I definitely want to show my future children: that my husband and I truly love each other. A celestial marriage is something I truly value, and I am striving to stay worthy so when the right man comes along, we can do it the right way. I am truly grateful for General Conference and modern revelation. I know that personal revelation can come to you if you truly desire it. I know that the words of the prophets are true. I know that our church leaders are inspired to share what the world needs to know at this time. I know that Heavenly Father loves His children and knows their needs. He really does answer prayers!
Have a Happy Easter everyone!