Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sunshine and Summertime

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I love my sister....
She's so random and awesome.... and she just wrote a blog about hugging!!! It rocks.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Hehe this song cracks me up
"Mood Rings" Relient K
we all know the girls that i am talking about
well they are time bombs and they are ticking
and the only question's when they'll blow up
and they'll blow up; we know that without a doubt
cause they're those girls, yeah you know those girls that let their emotions get the best of them
and i've contrived some sort of a plan to help my fellow man
let's get emotional girls to all wear mood rings
so we'll be tipped off to when they're ticked off
cause we'll know just what they're thinking
cause what they're thinking...
she's so pretty but she but doesn't always act that way
her mood's out swinging on the swing set almost every day
she said to me that she's so happy it's depressing
and all i said was "someone get that girl a mood ring"
if it's drama you want then look no further
they're like the real world meets boy meets world meets days of our lives
and it just kills me how they get away with murder
they'll anger you then bat their eyes; those pretty eyes that watch you sympathize
and i've contrived some sort of a plan to help my fellow man
let's get emotional girls to all wear mood rings
so we'll be tipped off to when they're ticked off
cause we'll know just what they're thinking
cause what they're thinking...
she's so pretty but she but doesn't always act that way
her mood's out swinging on the swing set almost every day
she said to me that she's so stressed out that it's soothing
and all i said was "someone get that girl a mood ring"
cause when it's black (it) means watch your back because you're probably
the last person in the world right now she wants to see
and when it's blue it means that you should call her up immediately
and ask her out because she'll most likely agree
and when it's green it simply means that she is really stressed
and when it's clear it means she's completely emotionless (and that's all right i must confess)
we all know the girls that i am talking about
she liked you wednesday but now it's friday and she has to wash her hair
and it just figures that we'll never figure them out
first she's jekyll and then she's hyde....at least she makes a lovely pair
mood ring oh mood ring
oh tell me will you bring
the key to unlock this mystery
of girls and their emotions
play it back in slow motion
so i may understand the complex infrastructure known as the female mind
we all know the girls that i am talking about
well they are time bombs and they are ticking
and the only question's when they'll blow up
and they'll blow up; we know that without a doubt
cause they're those girls, yeah you know those girls that let their emotions get the best of them
and i've contrived some sort of a plan to help my fellow man
let's get emotional girls to all wear mood rings
so we'll be tipped off to when they're ticked off
cause we'll know just what they're thinking
cause what they're thinking...
she's so pretty but she but doesn't always act that way
her mood's out swinging on the swing set almost every day
she said to me that she's so happy it's depressing
and all i said was "someone get that girl a mood ring"
if it's drama you want then look no further
they're like the real world meets boy meets world meets days of our lives
and it just kills me how they get away with murder
they'll anger you then bat their eyes; those pretty eyes that watch you sympathize
and i've contrived some sort of a plan to help my fellow man
let's get emotional girls to all wear mood rings
so we'll be tipped off to when they're ticked off
cause we'll know just what they're thinking
cause what they're thinking...
she's so pretty but she but doesn't always act that way
her mood's out swinging on the swing set almost every day
she said to me that she's so stressed out that it's soothing
and all i said was "someone get that girl a mood ring"
cause when it's black (it) means watch your back because you're probably
the last person in the world right now she wants to see
and when it's blue it means that you should call her up immediately
and ask her out because she'll most likely agree
and when it's green it simply means that she is really stressed
and when it's clear it means she's completely emotionless (and that's all right i must confess)
we all know the girls that i am talking about
she liked you wednesday but now it's friday and she has to wash her hair
and it just figures that we'll never figure them out
first she's jekyll and then she's hyde....at least she makes a lovely pair
mood ring oh mood ring
oh tell me will you bring
the key to unlock this mystery
of girls and their emotions
play it back in slow motion
so i may understand the complex infrastructure known as the female mind
Sunday, January 10, 2010
My Testimony
I haven't really ever done this on a blog before, but I wanted to share with y'all some of my experiences with my faith and my beliefs and what I've come to know in my 21 years of livin. I'll expound more on some of these later, I just wanna share the basics today.
*I know my Heavenly Father loves me, Tabitha Kay Lathrop, even when I mess up.
*I know that He has a plan for me, even bigger than I could ever imagine.
*I know that Christ is always there for me, to help me up when I fall.
*I know that the Holy Ghost testifies of Christ, reveals truths to me, and warns me of danger.
*I know that the scriptures were written as a guide for my life because God loves me. I also know that the words are true.
*I know that modern revelation is real. The prophet, Thomas S. Monson, receives revelation about the church. I know that I can also receive revelation for myself.
*I know that Joseph Smith was called of God to restore this church, and that all of the prophets have been called of God.
*I know that the temple is a house of God, and that through the covenants made and ordinances performed there, families can be forever, and I will be able to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus someday.
*I know that tithing provides many blessings.
*I know that obedience to the commandments provides many blessings.
*I know that the Atonement covers everything and gives me hope even when I've messed up.
*I know that I knew my family and friends before this life, and I shall know them after this life.
*I know that if I follow Christ, I really have nothing to fear.
And that is what I, Tabitha Kay Lathrop, know to be true.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Break or Bend, It's 2010... New Years Resolutions...
So, in honor of the New Year, I have some things that I want to work on : )
Write in my journal every week
Hang with friends more often, not just on Facebook
Count my blessing more than trials
Be more of a peacemaker
Re-evaluate my music selection
Not play on the internet on Sundays
Make time for excercise
Pay more attention to opportunities to serve
Set aside a time for regular scripture study, not just "when I have time"
Well, here goes... Hopefully I can do well on these goals.
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